Thursday, October 1, 2009


I find myself stunned at the overwhelming mantle of my king.

He is titanic in scope and complex in nature, involving himself in every single aspect of His creation. How can one respond to a God like Him? Aaahhh, what a space for humility!! At His feet, led into the shadow of His wings, hidden in the warmth of His breast; there I can rest in He Who Is. He keeps me in peace as I walk in contemplation of who He is, He gives me other sight - all the chains of this world look so different to a vision burned with the imprint of the Starbreather!

How thankful I am to be drawn into relationship with my Everlasting Creator, who desires me so intimately!! love, adore, worship... these words are so small against the mountain backdrop of the bond He has forged unbreakingly between Himself and I.

Holy! Holy! Holy!!!