Monday, October 12, 2009

How do YOU communicate?

Friday night at our Living Free ministry, we were teaching the kids about the role communication plays in conflict resolution, and the different types of communication that there are. The kids had a great time showing examples of communication, like stomping out of a room and eye rolling, and temper tantrums. So at the end we are sitting in a circle and reviewing and Trystan lays down on his back in the middle of the circle and tells us "I know what communication is. My friend Addie and I communicate with our MINDS, and then we communicate with our EYES, and then some times we talk..." I just put my head down, because I was trying not to shake with laughter, and my co-teacher, Niki tells him, "Trystan that sounds like flirting to me." Trystan just smiled his biggest smile and said "YES, IT IS."