Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Ready to get ready....

Introducing Sam-urai Poodle, who we adopted in January!

We are almost ready to get ready for fall 2008 home school session....... I've agonized and prayed and over analyzed curriculum choices for this year. The Lord has been so faithful and has not only led me to a curriculum but to a mentor as well and I am nervously excited about this new year!

We are going to be using Tapestry of Grace as our main curriculum for all subjects except math, science, and a few other extras I pray God will help me add into our schedule! We are really getting into backyard science this summer with bird identification (we have so many). Isaac can already correctly identify ground and mourning doves. He is watchful for a nightingale that haunts the neighborhood as well. We've spotted garden spiders, worms, pillbugs, and junebugs, too.

The online mentor God has led me to is Cindy Rushton. She has a website and sends weekly emails that are so encouraging to me. It is so refreshing to find someone who has been here and done this, and who loves the Lord and trusts Him, too.