Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Up went the pool.

If I ever need to write another resume, I can now add pool assembly to my experience.

Mom, Christina, Latisha, and I spent the weekend assembling Mom's new 18' pool. Wet denim, sarcasm, sore fingers, a twisted kneecap, great amounts of handwringing and billions of gallons of water were involved. There was also a little hair raising part where the men had to get involved with a sledgehammer while the women hid their eyes and prayed.

One of my favorite parts was where three tired women gave up trying to stay dry, only to remember that Mom's clothes dryer was, um, out of order.

But the fruit was endured by all on Memorial Day. We braved the icy depths and watched each other's purple lips tremble in the rain and thunder as the children splashed and swam and made us nervous wrecks with their fearlessness. Isaac was obsessed with swimming under water. Alyza was so very excited about anything pink that was floating in the water. Trystan repeatedly dodged any and all safety devices. The adults laughed like crazy that the rain was warmer than the water we were swimming in, and watched for lightning.

Wonderful fun!!