Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Trip to the Children's Museum

What fun we had!! The kids were so good and had so much fun. They played and learned and I was so blessed watching them. Sometimes field trips with Trystan's preschool class make me a little nuts. But they are getting a little older and stayed a little closer this time. The overall stress level was alot lower, especially since we immediately opted to go our own way and not try to keep up with certain kids. As soon as we started we went the opposite way of the crowd, enjoyed the museum in reverse, and the kids got to enjoy each attraction longer and had more time for everything.

I learned new things about each of the kids.

Isaac is not afraid of heights anymore. He climbed way up in the skyscraper exhibit and navigated the thing by himself. He has great comedic sense, too. One of the last exhibits we went to was a theater stage where the kids can put on a show and dress up in costume. Isaac found a clown coat, and Trystan found a shark costume. Hilarity ensued when the chicken dance song was played. A great circus like chase scene erupted behind and around a bunch of princesses who thought they owned the stage. Great stuff. Plus the child is more handsome than Cary Grant in a policeman's duds.

Alyza loves to paint. LOVES to paint. There are alot of Chinese exhibits right now, and there is one with paintbrushes and an 'aqua-doodle' type of surface where the kids can try to paint Chinese calligraphy. When they use the wet paintbrushes it turns the surface black, like ink. Alyza spent over half an hour at this exhibit. I finally had to gently pry the brush from her fingers, because her brothers had already fully explored every single other nearby activity. I think that might have been the activity that sent her over the top. She was talking about it when she took her nap after lunch.

Trystan can be trusted more. Several times he made me worried when I couldn't immediately spot him and once or twice when I REALLY couldn't find him and enlisted Isaac to help me. He usually showed up right beside me in a moment or two, tagging back to show me what he had just found. A year ago he would not have tagged back. A year and a half ago, if he slipped your hand you had better run fast and not stop! This child is so independent he tried to run away from home at 17 1/2 months! I am not saying I can relax now, but I was proud of his attempt to keep me apprised of what he was doing. OH!! and his new respect for the rules!! The video at the beginning gave them an overview of the museum and safety, and (except for the running part) he was very steadfast in following the rules. All on his own. Wow. He also looks adorable in a fireman's uniform.

When we left I was carrying Alyza to the van and she said with her head on my shoulder, "Mommy, my fingers hurt." These kids were just exhausted from all of that fun.

Thank you, Lord for a fabulous morning.