Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Homeschool Happenings...

Congratulations to Trystan, who has now officially graduated to "mommy school"! He had his graduation program May 14th, and even sang a short solo. He was the life of his classroom this year, as you might imagine, and we are glad to have him home! Nervous about where the scissors might be, but so happy all the same!

We have finished our selections for this coming year of study, and are very excited about it. Well, 4 out of 5 Reddings are excited, 1 Redding is a bit doubtful! I think we will win him over, though, and he has enjoyed helping to select some of his first independent reading titles for the coming year. As soon as we are able to place and receive our order we will start! When it is too hot to play, it is just right for reading.

Anyhow, the boys will be studying American History next year. It will be fun to see God use stories of our founding fathers and great American inventors to inspire them to bigger dreams! The curriculum we will be using (Heart of Dakota) will teach most of their subjects through the lens of history, and is a complete, Christ honoring curriculum that encourages the same Godly, independent thinking that made our nation great. One of our goals is to not just teach our children the answers, but to teach them how to FIND the answers, the ideas, and the questions for themselves...

Alyza will be starting school with me this year, too... The same publisher has a wonderful preschool curriculum for her that she will just LOVE. Her minor motor skills are really astounding, she is tracing letters like a pro, and is only beginning to learn her alphabet! She cuts FRINGE all around her art projects, and is really skilled in puzzles. I need to step it up, or she will be writing before she is reading! So easy to forget she is only 4!