Monday, November 23, 2009

Week of Gratitude- day one!

What would the tapestry of our life be like without friends woven among us?

This heart is so very thankful for hand- holding sisters to walk beside!! Some works cannot be undertaken until you have a second, a spotter for hard tasks of the soul to brace you. Her thread comes beside yours, woven and crossed, and preciously accompanies you across some distance, sharing of her time and herself.

Thank you, Lord, for sisters who walk beside us in darkness and in light, with Jesus-love in their broken hearts that give You glory and cracks to shine through. Thank you for friends to weep with, and celebrate, encourage, rebuke, enjoy.... and LOVE...

You alone, Lord, are more than enough, yet in your extravagance you give more, and what a sweet gift are the friends You have placed in our lives!!