Friday, March 27, 2009


Last night I took Trystan to the after hours LeBonHeur Clinic. He's had this recurring high fever with no other real symptoms. It had been responding well to ibuprofen and came and went with Tinnie acting pretty much normal until yesterday evening. He started acting like he was actually ill, and the fever was not coming down as well so off we went.

The doctors did a strep test, which came back negative. Then they checked his white blood count (they said he was as tough as spiderman. High-fived the guy WHILE they were drawing blood.) which was normal. Urine clear, too. We left scratching our heads, with orders to see his regular doc today. Sigh. There is a very good reason we went to the clinic instead, and it involves the regular doc, so we're not sure what to do.

I thought things might look clearer in the morning, but now Trystan is acting like he feels much worse, his fever is barely responding, and he is refusing popsicles. The doctor said last night that he was dehydrated, so this is concerning. He is drinking small amounts of water, though. Now he says that his throat, tummy and legs hurt and is refusing to walk. I've carried him to the bathroom, and finally he wanted to go out to the family room and I carried him there. He tried to crawl to his bedroom and gave up and wanted me to pick him up.

If you know Trystan, you know how uncharacteristic this is. Last night at the clinic he was extraordinarily STILL. That's part of why I took him. Trystan is only still while snoring.

I'm sure this will probably turn out to be some extremely strange but harmless virus, but we would appreciate your prayers. I am enjoying the chance to cuddle our little blonde tornado, but I'd much rather have him whirling about in good health!!


Lexi said...

We will be praying for sweet Trystan...keep us posted.
In Jesus' name he will feel like himself soon, very soon.