Tuesday, March 17, 2009

For spring break...

The boys' TaeKwonDo instructor asked me last week if we celebrated spring break. That was funny to me. I laughed really hard and she just smiled and I told her we absolutely would if we weren't behind from all of the extra time we spent goofing off after Christmas.
So, for spring break we are doing schoolwork. I had a grand plan to surpise the kids with a day at the zoo LAST week before everyone in the tri-state area had spring madness, but on the planned day, Trystan woke up with a mystery 103.5 fever and we will have to reschedule. He had the fever for 2 days and no other symptoms. AT ALL. Then it completely disappeared. I wonder if when we get to Heaven we will get to find out about all the things the Lord protected us from.

Anyhow, last week went well. We had a friend's children with us for several days and really
enjoyed their company.