Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Kid's bible reading charts

Earlier this year, the Lord told me I wasn't doing homeschool the way He wished. Since then we have been revamping the way we do things, but one thing has remained the same. As a friend of mine once told me "Keep the main thing, the main thing."

I make up a spread sheet in excel for each of the kid's bibles, using chapter headings and page numbers. Then we make a poster (or two) with the spreadsheets, and use stickers to mark off the chapters that have been read. Our oldest (7) also keeps a bible notebook. In Charlotte Mason style, he narrates to me what he noticed in the chapter, and I write it down for him. Sometimes he makes illustrations to go with what he learned.

Trystan, our 4 year old, gets stickers for every story read to him, usually by Isaac (7). Trystan's bible is Isaac's old picture bible, so he really enjoys revisiting these stories and reading them to his little brother.

We are going to add in some story time in the evening and allow the children to put on plays and act out with blocks and toys their bible reading.