Monday, January 25, 2010

Officially Nine.

Well, the long awaited birthday has occurred, and yes, he DID get Zelda: Spirit Tracks for the DS.  You probably already knew this, since the earth did not explode and all time come to a screeching halt - which was the probable outcome of  this child's celebration if he had to wait one more moment to have that present in his not-so-little-anymore hands.

Isaac, like his brother, chose IHOP for his birthday breakfast.  He is apparently too old for funny face pancakes now, and instead went with the very grown up sounding 2x2x2 breakfast, with all sorts of grown up food choices.  The wait staff sang him happy birthday and brought him ice cream with his breakfast, and proving how very much he has grown, he handled the attention with grace.

His birthday lunch with Ninnie was at Red Lobster, proving he IS my child.  That was my birthday choice for untold years when I was young.  He enjoyed it, and even got to crack some crab legs.

But the highlight was the million boy sleepover that happened that night.  That deserves it's very own post.