Friday, October 9, 2009

Homeschool Happenings...

We have been adjusting the last couple of months and are finally starting to pick up some steam!

Isaac has been working on during this time, and we have been adding in other activites as our schedules and sanity has allowed.

This week we have been reading the classic Black Beauty by Anna Sewell. Honestly, this was a move of desperation, because Isaac had been grounded from all electronics, and the kids were climbing the walls. So, we pulled it out WAY ahead of schedule, and I have been surprised by their level of attention. We read 9 chapters the first day, and 11 more yesterday. That sounds like alot, but the chapters are short, and I am reading from a truly ancient copy that was mine as a child, and has ink illustrations on every other page. I am amazed, and challenged to find and implement more things that are above their "level". Even Alyza has paid attention and enjoyed storytime.

I am ramping up Isaac's bible reading, requiring 3 stories a morning from him. He is still doing his time4 learning work, and at this pace will likely finish most of his 3rd grade requirements (math not included) by the end of this year, or shortly thereafter. We are using alot of different sources for our materials this year, and it is very challenging to cohesively implement it all. The Lord is stretching me, and helping me go over things for a few moments the night before, and that helps hit the ground running with play by plays ready in the morning, and can get Isaac started before I get the COFFEE. We are definitely a work in progress!!