Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Yesterday Isaac came in the house with a couple of earthworms he found in the backyard. (How he found them is beyond me, he was on the trampoline) Daddy and I helped them fill an empty peanut butter jar with dirt (more like mud) and the boys dumped in the worms. We made a couple of holes in the top, and set them up on the breakfast bar. The worms immediately tunneled down in the mud, obligingly along the sides of the jar, so we could see what they were doing.

Today I googled worms and found out that they like to eat kitchen scraps, paper, that sort of thing. We had eggshells in the sink from breakfast, so the boys had fun crushing them up and feeding the worms. They haven't told us if they like them, I don't think they have even come up to see what is for lunch, but here they are.....

I've had this spring feeling lately, and had begun saving every emptied jar and milkjug that has passed through my hands. I knew that the bugs would be coming soon, and if I don't want every "look what I found, Mom" to be running loose in my house I had better have temporary apartments ready for all of them. There's not a single container that makes it into my house now that I don't think "hmmm.... that would be great for tadpoles, or caterpillars, or pillbugs.......".