Tuesday, February 17, 2009

house wins...

Balancing homeschool and housework is always a challenge, and today I must admit that the house wins.

Today we are reading the rest of Benjamin Franklin by D'Aulaire and our bible reading and review. Tomorrow we have a field trip to the Children's Museum of Memphis, and if the boys would like to wear clothes instead of pj's and superhero costumes, we will be practicing laundry sorting skills today.

KungFuPanda was a blast last night, and I almost missed it. On the way home from TaeKwonDo it occured to me that it was almost 7, and that if I ran them all through the shower quickly, they could still make it to bed at 7:30, and today would be so much smoother. I am so glad I blogged about it and held myself to it. We had a great time, laughed and cuddled, and nobody even spilled popcorn (God is so good). The kids were 2 hours late to bed, but they fell asleep instantly and without a grumble, complaint, or extra drink of water. Ahhhhhh.